
Cross Tempus MOD

Cross Tempus MOD, or CTMOD, is a desktop application that is inspired by the SNES classic Square game Chrono Trigger, and can be easily modified. Users are free to modify, add, and customize the sprites, music, sound effects, story dialogue, and maps loaded into the game. It is my goal to provide a genuinely fun experience to retro-SNES RPG lovers.

How can I get started?

Head to the Downloads page and download the latest version on the available platform of your choice. Unzip the contents of the packaged ZIP file, and access the executable file (ctmod.exe). Run the game, and enjoy. 

How do I modify the game?

In the same directory as the executable are directories with assets. These assets may be modified, or you may insert your own.

Head to the Docs page to learn more.
